COVID 19 Wedding pivot
‘‘Covid 19 has changed wedding planning forever. As many wedding planners and celebrant worldwide will tell you. I have had to pivot my approach a little. I was one of the lucky ones, as my main product is in micro wedding event and as a small home run business my over heads were low. The ability to think on your feet, is pretty important in a global pandemic, where the majority of your business comes from over seas. We were heading into our winter season, so everything was on my side compared to the northern hemisphere. I had a reasonably good season and happy to relax a little over winter but seeing the world struggle as it was didn’t ease the mind for the future ahead. I’ve worked hard to redirect my business from global to local, keeping my eye on the gates that I know will open again one day.
The Covid 19 is one pandemic to cope with but the environment crisis is another……’’