Craig & Nicholas Wedding Day in the Abel Tasman
Read Craig & Nicholas’s true story here
LGBTQIA+ Friendly
The Ceremony
Beautiful Flax Floral Decorations
Character Wedding Cake
Tasty Tasman Picnic Flavours
The Boat Charter
Mesmerizing Live Music
Beautiful memories of their day
The Dream Makers’ policy to “Same Sex Marriage” has always been the same, to be a proactive supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual preference, quite a mouthful, excuse the pun. I prefer to just see everyone as who they are and if they want to express a certain preference to their sexuality it makes no difference to me and it certainly wont define them. I am simply here to accept and help anyone who is legally able to get married in New Zealand. The New Zealand law accepted same sex marriage in 2013 which just happened to be the year Craige and Nicholas were full steam ahead in planning a civil union wedding moon in the Abel Tasman and Nelson Tasman region, travelling from Scotland to do so, with a small group of 10 joinging them in the celebration. Over time we became great friends and it was such a privaledge to be part of their big day. Both, in their indevidual way were very maticulous in their brief for the day and I don’t think they we’re fully confident that I could pull it all off but as you can see from the images, everything went to plan.
However you may remember me saying they were planning on a Civil Union, which is a legally recognized arrangement similar to marriage, it was created primarily as a means to provide recognition in law for same-sex couples, granting most or all of the rights of marriage except the title itself which is recognised as a releigious entitlement with most not accepting same sex or diverity outside the laws ooutside their belief. When the law changed smack bang in the middle of planning Craig & Nicholas’s event, I was so excited to tell them they could take that step to become recagnised as a married couple in New Zealand. They seemed quite unexcited about the idea but later asked if I would be their officiant. At that stage, although completely flattered I was not licensed. So I took the necessery steps and was accepted onto the New Zealand Government Register of Celebrants and they we’re my first same sex couple and only my 2nd wedding to officiate. That day will be held for ever in my heart as a wonderful memory and I thank them both for their kindness in supporting my business and allowing me to share their story.
If you would like to have a complimenty chat about how we can help you create your dream day, contact me